Our RV

Our RV
2004 Itasca
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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Lauren Graduation

We were so excited and honored to be there for Lauren's graduation from college. We had a great time and are so proud of her accomplishments. we were able to spend some time at their home with her, Mike, Jana and of course Rosie, Lauren's baby puppy but she is growing very fast. We went to Babe's on the square for a celebration Lunch. Always good. After we went out to house and was able to take in all the yard and gardens. Love sitting on their front porch. What a great place to relax and enjoy. So quite and pretty. Lauren had another party to go to that evening so she had a full day.
On Saturday we went to ride with Mike and Jana to go see our great grandkids in Brock. Ruby had a game and Will was enjoying playing with cousins and friends. Went to Brock after and had lunch at Skinny's. Was nice to visit with Jace and Leah at Skinny's. They are having a new house built but due to all the covid they will be a couple of months late moving in. Not what they had hoped for but hard to get building supplies.
We had a hard luck story when we arrived on Thursday to rv park, was putting out large slide and we had hydraulic fluid coming out. We stayed at Bennett's in Granbury and they have an rv store and repair shop on sight. They came and took a look while we were attending graduation nd told us we would have to put in their shop and couldn't stay in it and could take awhile to get parts needed due to covid. We decided to get slide in and come back home to a local shop. We missed our next destination which was another rally for a week.
We left on Sunday morning and came back home.
Just so grateful we were able to make the Graduation of Lauren. P.S. Lauren has already started to work and loves her job. She will go to some schooling in fall to help her with her new job but still keep working while doing it.

Mike and Jana checking out their garden.

Fresh peaches

There chicken hotel
Storage and Shop area
The Walker House for now, while they are building their new one.
Ruby had a ball game this morning. Here's will playing.👍😊💕
Mike, Jana, Me, above is Leah and Lauren waiting for Ruby's game
Ruby playing 2nd,

Will came to see his Papa
Ruby up to bat.

Ruby out in field.

Getting a little batting instructions.

The team.

Then to get a bite to eat.

Looks like someone got a little close to  Lauren's car.
Ordering the food

Waiting on our skinny burgers.
obeying the rules.
Weatherford square
Hi Rosie

Lauren proud. ☝😀💓

Lauren and Leah and baby on way,

The Franklin home in Granbury, Texas 


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