Our RV

Our RV
2004 Itasca
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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dillon Graduation Ft. Benning GA June 2015

Well we got started on Tuesday afternoon about 1:30 PM as our daughter went with us in our van and she was able to go early due to the Storm and this gave us a little more time to get there and she was able to help out with the driving. We arrived on Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM.
This is phase one of our trip.
It was a hard trip to make straight thru but we would not have missed it for the world. 
The ceremony was very impressive and moving. It was all I had been told it would be. 
The only problem was that Georgia was having unusually hot and humid weather, even early in the morning. Lots of water was consumed.
The weather co-operated and the rains came in between the ceremonies. 
Ft. Benning is an extremely large base. We drove it many times getting from one place to another. 
Dillon is coming home on leave for a week and then on to his next destination in Virginia, in the old Guard Unit..
He was glad to see all of us there for him, but he is really glad to get to come home for a week to see all his friends. 
We have been blessed to have so many exciting things with all our Grandchildren. 
We are very proud of all of them.
Phase 2 is our trip back to Cypress June 20 2015 arrived at 04:00 AM.

Think we will take I-12 as it is a shorter distance to Mobile AL.
Now we are getting hungry so we checked out Cracker Barrel.

After being on the road till about 1:00 AM we thought we would check out this casino and walk around a little.
Nice casino here. 
Back on the road again and now we see daybreaking.
We are on I-65 just south of Montgomery AL.

Here we are. Ft. Benning GA. so we had to get checked in for our Car Pass and our passes so we can get on Base for Graduation.

Then on to check in to our quarters for the next two nights.
Inside our cabin.
our daughter, Pam.

They looked tired.
Some RV sites and cabins here.
Outside picture of our cabin.
Then we drove around the base a little.

Turning Blue Ceremony June 18 2015.

Stan and Dillon carry his bags out. I bet Stan remembers when..

Then for Mexican Food for Us.
 Then the next and final day here.

Dillon is first one on this side of first row.

Dillon is 5th row from left on 1st. row.

Dillon is 4th one in row 1.