Our RV

Our RV
2004 Itasca
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You can view our pictures from RV Rallies and our vacations along with other family pictures.

Friday, January 9, 2015

December 2014 Gathering of friends

This year we did not join the Rally in Port Lavaca as we had too much going on, however some of our RV friends said they were not going to the rally and so they put a gathering together to have in Onalaska Texas.
The weather was rain rain rain until the day we had to leave for home.

There were 6 RV's that showed up for the gathering and we had some guest come also. Chuck and Carol Seidel came for the week and then Mary Boggs sister and her husband (Sylvia and Joaquin Rocha) they live in Spring TX. and came on December,31 and spent the night with Mary and Jesse.

We went to Catfish King, the Pickett House, Mexican food, Buster McNulty's to eat during the week.
We all went back out to eat at the Catfish King in Livingston TX and we called Joe and Nancy Hollis as they live in Livingston,  they met us there and then they invited everyone to their home to visit, so we did and had a great visit. They were great host and we had to cut our visit short due to fog rolling in.

Everyone that was able to gather were able to get the most level sites on the front row.

 They gave us the room for the whole week for us to use.

Good Food here for sure.

Here is the information on the Pickket House.

Someone forgot to tell Mary that is cold outside this morning.

Must be good rum sauce ..right?

Bubblies for midnight.
Happy New Year 2015.

 Joe & Nancy Hollis came to meet us today then invited us to their home.

 Another puzzle.

 Someone caught me cleaning up.
our friends from Cypress who now live full time on Lake Livingston. George and I went to visit them.

 Yet another puzzle

 Beautiful sunset today. First time we saw the sun all year. 

 Well this was number 5 for the week and it is close to 11:00 PM good night.
Happy New Year to All.