Our RV

Our RV
2004 Itasca
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Friday, September 26, 2014

Rockport TX with Joe And Janet Sept 2014

The Bechards and us decided to go to Rockport for the Hummer festival. We went on Wednesday and were going to leave either Friday or Saturday. Since George had been without a computer since Sunday when his crashed, our friend, Janet found a place in Rockport so Joe and George took it there Thursday and told them we were leaving by Saturday. long story short we picked it up on Tuesday afternoon at 3:00. A little past the time they had promised but not all their fault, there was so much data to recover and reinstall on new hard drive that it just took a lot of time. They did a great job and very helpful on everything. They are Tech Time in a caboose in Rockport, Texas.
When you see Janet Bechard ask her about the ferry. With all our crossings of it we only saw one dolphin, barely, on two different crossings.
We had a lot of fun sightseeing, visiting, and yes we ate seafood out. We also bought shrimp to bring home. Can not wait to put some on the grill.
They had to leave us home alone on Monday as they had doctor appts, and a lot of commitments to take care of.
We took one day and completely cleaned all drawers and cabinets inside and throw away a lot and brought some back to house. We feel we accomplished a lot. cleaned the carpet and all areas.
We are definitely going back with the Bechards for an extended stay next year to Rockport/ Fulton.
Next time we may leave the guys at adult daycare only fair. LOL
Safe travel to all and good health. Hope to see you down the road.

 Joe fixed breakfast for us this morning.

 Sites in the RV Park

 Going shopping at the Hummers Mall.

Good Food Here.

Nice looking stools.
 The rain is here now.
Joe and I found a place to take care of our spouses while we shopped.

 My glasses were fogged a little.

Joe and Janet leaving Rockport.

 This is where they repaired my laptop.
 On our way out of Rockport Texas

did not stop at buc cee's