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Our RV
2004 Itasca
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Saturday, July 30, 2016

DeMontrond Rally Rockport Texas June 2016

Well it seemed to be another great Rally in Rockport, Texas.
Lots of fishing.
There were 30 RV's that made it to Rockport texas this time. Pat and I were not able to make this one due to some medical problems. Jesse then introduced the new members in attendance.  Frank and Barbara Adamac, Pat and Liz Kelly and Bill and Barbara Murphy.
“Thank You” to Ronnie Anderson for helping organize the shrimp boil, along with all that had helped with the cooking with special thanks to Jeff Dobson, Phil Roberts, Ralph Oler, Larry Huebel and just ALL persons that had their hands in making this a good shrimp boil. Special thanks went out to Brenda Scherback. The host team did a great job in helping as well.  With a shrimp boil its not just cooking, its also preparing potatoes, shucking corn and peeling shrimp. Sounds like we missed out on some good shrimp.
Sharon Goodlett introduced and thanked the host team, Don and Sue Stone and Joe and Janet Bechard for the wonderful breakfast AND their hard work in making this a good rally.
There was no BINGO at this rally due to George Franklin being unable to attend this Rally.
Laverne has sent out the Reservation forms and minutes from this rally via E-Mail.
 Jesse needs these reservations back ASAP! !
Then there was this BIG GUY (Mark Scherback) getting into a LITTLE SMART CAR to take Luz Kelly to be with her husband. WOW what a sight.

See everyone at the next Rally, George & Pat Franklin

Thanks to LaVerne Williams for the pictures.

Our fisher people. George W. is not that Tall.

Look like a keeper to me.
What was the limit ???
At least it was legal.

Mark getting into a Smart Car WOW!

 He fit..YES
 I bet he will keep his Truck LOL

God Bless America