Our RV

Our RV
2004 Itasca
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Saturday, December 14, 2019

2019 WWW RV Club Christmas Luncheon

Well we had a great turnout for the WWW Christmas Luncheon  again this year at Luigi's.
We want to give a very big thank you to our host for our luncheon, Julian and Frances Hall who have been kind enough to host for the 3 years we have come to Luigi's.
We had 35 in attendance and 6 cancellations. Everyone had a good time we got to visit and catch up on some old times.
The service was a little slow this year but getting to visit helped us pass the time.
We brought items that Maria could take to the food pantry at her church. It is the time for caring and giving. Especially to ones less fortunate than us.
This was our third year at Luigi's, and I believe we have decided to move our Christmas Luncheon where others would be closer to location. Spring Creek Bar-B-cue has a room we can use for free if we get it booked ahead of time. Bill Baker said he would look into this and it will probably be in the Conroe or Woodlands area. Hope to see more there and I will be sure to let all the previous members know for sure when and where.
I found out that some did not know until after the fact, next year all will know and are welcome.
I want to take a minute, for George and I would like to wish each and everyone of you a very Blessed Christmas and please let the true meaning of this time of year be in your heart.
Please be with all those who serve our country here and abroad and their families, they sacrifice so much to keep our freedom for us.
Be with all those who are having illness or problems in their families.
Watch over our government and guide them to make the right decisions.
Safe travels in the new year coming up. hope to see a lot of you at Colorado Landing in January, at this time we have 14 coaches coming.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

 Our Group Photo Below ⬇
(excluding Mary and Jess that had to leave early for another family gathering)

2019 Christmas Lunch
 Frank & Barbara Adamec, Bill & Marcella Baker, Jesse Soto & Mary Boggs, Jeff &Debbie Dobson, Harold Dowdy, LaVerne Williams, Ed & Margaret Fitzgerald, George & Pat Franklin, Julian & Frances Hall, Larry & Debbie Huebel, Polo & Sharon LaCoste, Gunter & Maria Liebel, Troy & Pat Lunsford, Mark & Brenda Scherback,  Frank & Patricia Turney, Jim &Linda Wheeler, Phil & Gisele Roberts, Vernon Schaefer
New Members: Dennis &Terry Beavers.

 Here are Mary and Jesse, Glad they made the Christmas lunch.

 Now we moved west about a block to Connie's Custard 

 Bill is studying  the menu


Tuesday, December 10, 2019

2019 Thanksgiving

2019 Thanksgiving

This year we had thanksgiving at our daughter and son in laws.
Thanks for some of the pictures that were sent to me from Cody, Don and Patti.
We wished everyone could have been here but they were certainly in our thoughts. We had more than enough food and had to try everything. There are a couple of things that are definitely top of the list for next year.
We had fun finishing up the ABC book for our new great grandson, Everett.
We played CLR afterwards and think that Papa was the big winner.
Hope more can join us next year and even have more fun.  
We appreciate our blessings and hope all had a great holiday.

L to R
Don , Cody, Pam, Pat, Joe, George, Patti.
Getting things set up.
Joe making sure everything is OK.↧

The table is ready for us.

Joe is carving the Bird. ↓
I vote this the best. ☺Pam's creation
The Bird

Here starts the chow line.
 Great sweet potatoes.

 Oh So Great Deserts ⤋

Apple Pie from Costco.

Yum on the cranberry above and the pecan below

Cody made this pie, However it did not make it here today. LOL
 Joe is snoring. LOL
Playing CLR after eating.
Home decorations at Pam's

This tree stays up 12 months a year. Pam changes for the seasons or Holidays.

Seems to be the famous saying here in this family.

Working on finishing the book for Everett Loftin.