Our RV

Our RV
2004 Itasca
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You can view our pictures from RV Rallies and our vacations along with other family pictures.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

WWW Rally in San Antonio April 2013

The WWW club had their rally at Blazing Star RV in San Antonio this last week.  We had 8 coaches and a lot of fun.  we played a lot of different games and had fun trying to learn Them. We had a good time visiting and sightseeing.  Of course we had fun eating also. Those in attendance were our host Mannie and Connie Esparza and Sharon Goodlet and Janet Lambe helped them with the hosting.  We had Gunter and Maria, Ed and Margaret, Phil and Gisele, Pete and Bess, ant then us. No hard luck stories this time. We surprised Pete with a birthday cake. I am not saying how many it is. Hope to see everyone at Johnson Creek in June. Have safe travel till then.
Also for more pictures of the rally check Connies blog at http://esparzacm.blogspot.com

Good food for us.

 Birthday cake for Pete tonight.

 Pete is happy tonight.
 Janet does not know what is going on here..
I sent this picture to LaVerne for her B'Day.

 I took my own picture this evening.

 Breakfast this morning.
Then the guys went off to see the airplanes at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas.







They took our picture for us here.

 The Airman's new haircut.

 Their foot locker.

 Sharon made the pancakes for us.

 Manuel was helping Sharon in the kitchen

 Our Great Host team Manuel, Connie, Sharon and Janet.
Janet has a light burnt out that needed replaced.
 Then off to the SAS Store.

Anyone need a shine?

 Wonder if Allen knows about this?
 And the ladies complain about washing today.
 Need to do some baking?
 Pat is on her phone while shopping.
 Lot of the ladies found a bargain at this table.
 Did not know I had my own Ice Cream.
 Now that Phil got a new RV I guess he is looking for a tow car.
 Now some game time this evening.
 looks like they are mapping out a trip for Bess.
 Snacks for us during Happy Hour.

 Then the ladies made hamburgers for us tonight.

 More games tonight.

Ed & Margaret went to an unusual place here in San Antonio. This is a man's own collection of toilet seat covers he has collected and painted He is 92 years old.

If you missed this Rally you missed a good one.